The Radio Society of Sri Lanka was established in 1950. The RSSL was incorporated in 1990 as a company limited by guaranteed under the companies act.
RSSL looks after the interests of Radio Amateurs in Sri Lanka and represents them in matters affecting them to Telecommunications Regulatory Commission, Ministry of Defence and other Authorities. RSSL also conducts classes for members who intend to sit Radio Amateur exam, outings, contests and field trips to enhance the knowledge of Amateur Radio and to promote fellowship among members. Members of RSSL meet once a month at a General Meeting where they exchange views on various matters related to amateur radio. RSSL activities and interesting topics relating to amateur radio are published regularly on its Facebook page The current membership of the society is around 200 consisting of Student, Associate & Corporate (Licenced) members. Membership application and details could be found on the Application form available here (
The Radio society of Sri Lanka is a member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU), which has the sector membership of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) and is the recognized representative of the Amateur Radio and Amateur-Satellite Services at the ITU.
The RSSL hosts and maintains one of the IARU’s 18 worldwide High Frequency Beacons in Sri Lanka. The RSSL also operates two VHF repeaters in central part of Sri Lanka which give coverage to a major part of Sri Lanka. VHF net is conducted daily at 1530 hrs UTC on one of the VHF repeaters. There is also a regular net on HF every morning on 7060 kHz. The RSSL also helps in many foreign amateur radio operators who visit Sri Lanka to operate from Sri Lanka by providing assistance in getting their guest operator licenses. As a Member Society of IARU, RSSL has given its continued support in safeguarding amateur radio privileges at world forums.
Any person interested in amateur radio and/or electronics can apply for RSSL Membership. Membership application forms may be downloaded from RSSL website.