Time Duration: Saturday 0330 UTC to Sunday 1230 UTC
(Saturday 9 AM to Sunday 6 PM SRI LANKAN TIME).
Total contest duration is 33 hours.
The RSSL VHF Contest 2024 promises to be a thrilling event that brings together amateur radio enthusiasts from across Sri Lanka. Participants will have the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and skills while competing for top honours in their respective categories. Whether you’re a seasoned amateur radio operator or a newcomer to the hobby, this event is an excellent chance to showcase your abilities and connect with fellow enthusiasts.
This exciting event offers special awards for the top three participants in each category, including Champion, First Runner-Up, and Second Runner-Up. In addition to these prestigious accolades, all eligible participants with valid logs will receive e-certificates. It’s an excellent opportunity for participants to showcase their skills and connect with other amateur radio enthusiasts.
Category A – VHF, UHF
Category B – VHF
Contest Rules:
Any number of teams can participate from a single Grid Square. Such a team should internally sort out the exact station location. RSSL will not intervene in any issues surfacing due to team location conflicts.
Only one callsign (leader-call) should be used for a team. For Example: 4S7XX, 4S7YY 4S6ZZZ while in the contest, should be used for the station by all the operators.
Multiplier points:
6m, 2m and 70cm contacts earn 5, 2 & 5 QSO points respectively.
Total points = QSO point x No of grids worked.
This event is open to all Radio Amateurs in Sri Lanka possessing a valid license.
Your submission of a log entry affirms that:
1. You have abided by all the rules of the contest as well as those of TRCSL
2. You accept any decisions made regarding your entry by the contest’s adjudication process which are official and final.
Questions pertaining to the RSSL VHF Contest rules may be sent to <awards@rssl.lk>
If any Student/Associate member wants to join the 4S7RS Club Station team to contest, please contact Nayana (WhatAapp: +94 71 165 7877).
Good opportunity to practice before you get your own license
RSSL Contest team.